Hurtence: Creating Whilst Isolating Series
Where do you find your inspiration?
I am very material led - if I find a fabric I love I usually start to think of what it could turn into. I really like being in antique and junk shops, so sometimes there are objects that I try to recreate in hat form.
How did you learn how to design clothes?
I’m self-taught but my grandma taught me to sew when I was little.
Can you show us your process of making a hat?
How are you sustainable?
Everything I use from fabrics to zips are second had or re-purposed. I try to use old threads too but it’s harder to come by quality ones. I also have many bags that fill my studio stuffed with off cuts that I am sure I will find use for again.
Do you do commissions and collaborations?
Yes of course!
Do you take interns?
Maybe next year… I have a few projects planned I might need help with!
Do you think you would ever start designing other accessories? For example; Belts.
I collected so many belt buckles over the years, so potentially!
Are you working on any new designs at the moment?